NEW! Distance+ GOLD Fuel Additive (One 8 oz. bottle)
Diesel Fuel Additive Fuel Treatment RevX Distance+ Plus GOLD
DISTANCE+ GOLD Diesel Fuel Additive is our cost effective solution to curing the common problems associated with Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel in any application. It has been specially formulated to boost all aspects of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel for summer applications to keep all systems running at maximum efficiency at an incredibly inexpensive price.
Distance+ GOLD Major Benefits Include:
- Maximizes lubrication for all diesel engines to 4 times the recommended amount.
- Replaces missing lubricants that older diesel engines need that are not present in ULSD and Bio-Blend Diesel fuels.
- Provides the highest cetane boosts on the market, 12 point maximum cetane increase.
- Increases and restores lost engine power and efficiency.
- Increases fuel storage life up to 12 months.
- Improves and in most cases, eliminated cold start issue in all diesel engines.
- Super concentrated! 1 fl. oz. treats 25 gallons of diesel fuel.
- Increase water dispersion in diesel fuel systems.
- Significant increase in detergent & lubrication properties.
- Greatly reduces component wear in 2007 or older diesel engines that require sulfur or other additives the EPA removed as part of the clean air act.

Most of our dealers haven't heard what the EPA has been up to (other than cracking down on the diesel industry as a whole for emissions). But what it seems nobody knows about is that they have mandated a change in the diesel fuel as of January 1st 2018.
Well, they took the sulfur from 15 ppm to a maximum of 5ppm.
The only way to get the last 10 ppm of sulfur, is to use heat to remove these properties from the fuel. But, when the heating process is used to refine this fuel, IT REMOVES ALL LUBRICITY PACKAGES FROM THE FUEL!!!
So, now every diesel in the country is running a dry fuel with out any lubricity at all.
We have been talking to the pump and injector shops that we deal with, and most of them are up on business over all of last years business. AND BUSINESS IS GOOD!
We have been on the cutting edge of the diesel fuel market since the EPA mandate changed the fuel in 2008 to the Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel.
At that time we introduced our Distance+ Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel additive. And we have gained many customers with this product but now REV-X has gone the extra mile to bring you and your customers the best fuel additive on the planet!
- One 8 oz Bottle Distance+GOLD Fuel Additive
Most of our dealers haven't heard what the EPA has been up to (other than cracking down on the diesel industry as a whole for emissions). But what it seems nobody knows about is that they have mandated a change in the diesel fuel as of January 1st 2018.
Well, they took the sulfur from 15 ppm to a maximum of 5ppm.
The only way to get the last 10 ppm of sulfur, is to use heat to remove these properties from the fuel. But, when the heating process is used to refine this fuel, IT REMOVES ALL LUBRICITY PACKAGES FROM THE FUEL!!!
So, now every diesel in the country is running a dry fuel with out any lubricity at all.
We have been talking to the pump and injector shops that we deal with, and most of them are up on business over all of last years business. AND BUSINESS IS GOOD!
We have been on the cutting edge of the diesel fuel market since the EPA mandate changed the fuel in 2008 to the Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel.
At that time we introduced our Distance+ Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel additive. And we have gained many customers with this product but now REV-X has gone the extra mile to bring you and your customers the best fuel additive on the planet!TO DIESEL NOW???
Well, they took the sulfur from 15 ppm to a maximum of 5ppm.
The only way to get the last 10 ppm of sulfur, is to use heat to remove these properties from the fuel. But, when the heating process is used to refine this fuel, IT REMOVES ALL LUBRICITY PACKAGES FROM THE FUEL!!!
So, now every diesel in the country is running a dry fuel with out any lubricity at all.
We have been talking to the pump and injector shops that we deal with, and most of them are up on business over all of last years business. AND BUSINESS IS GOOD!
We have been on the cutting edge of the diesel fuel market since the EPA mandate changed the fuel in 2008 to the Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel.
At that time we introduced our Distance+ Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel additive. And we have gained many customers with this product but now REV-X has gone the extra mile to bring you and your customers the best fuel additive on the planet!